Outstanding Supervisor Award - Medical Sciences - 2017
The experience as a graduate student in Oxford is determined by a huge number of things., however having a supportive supervisor can be key. To win this award, the supervisor should:
Be willing to spend time and effort working with the supervisee
Give helpful, prompt, fluent and thoughtful comments
Be a resource in terms of general knowledge about the discipline, research methods and current developments
Critically engage with their own and their students’ subject matter, both in personal discussions and the wider scientific community
Create a stimulating and consistently challenging research environment, encouraging the student to consider new or alternative perspectives and to push boundaries
Be supportive of students’ professional development, by encouraging and supporting conference participation, teaching, submission of papers, and other relevant activities
Be responsive to student concerns and difficulties and aid the supervisee in overcoming challenges themselves
Develop the supervisee’s independence while always remaining approachable when necessary
Critically engage with their own and their students’ subject matter, both in personal discussions and the wider academic community
Enable the student to progress and build their own network by providing initial contact with others within/outside the research group and pointers to relevant conferences/seminars